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Nordic International School Norrköping is a Swedish school with an international profile for years 4-9. We believe that order and discipline create an optimal learning environment. We impart bilingual education in both Swedish and English and use teaching methods that are supported by international research. The school was founded in 2018, currently has about 450 students and 35 employees and is located in central Norrköping.
Nordic International School is a growing school chain with an international profile, offering bilingual instruction in Swedish and English. We believe that order and discipline as well as teacher-led instruction are essential to ensure a learning environment in which pupils thrive. Our aim is to provide an education that is grounded in rigorous research, which we use to develop our strategy and policies. Our first school was founded in Norrköping in 2017, followed by a second school in Karlstad in 2018 and a third in Trollhättan 2019. In August 2020, we will start a new school in Kalmar.
In Norrköping we will expand with 5-7 classes from August 2020 and we are now looking for qualified teachers who are willing to take on the challenging task of supporting the headteacher and staff to this. Apart from providing continuous professional development and academic exchanges between our schools, we offer an exciting opportunity to create and be part of something new. The school will have about 400 pupils next year.
We are looking for qualified teachers in the following subjects:
Successful candidates must share our core values and educational vision. In addition, you will:
We have a collective agreement and apply “FERIETJÄNST” among teaching staff and “SEMESTERTJÄNST” among support staff.
We will carry out a criminal-record check of all applicants.
The start date will be in August 2020.
Interviews will commence immediately and the position may be filled before the application deadline.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Lars von Schedvin, Recruitment manager, , +46 733-443730
Samuel Ekeblom, Principal: , +46 727-263901
Pär Sigvardsson, HR manager:, +46 737-500179
Anställningsform | Tillsvidareanställning |
Anställningens omfattning | Heltid/Deltid |
Tillträde | Augusti 2020 |
Löneform | Månadslön |
Antal lediga befattningar | 9 |
Sysselsättningsgrad | upp till 100% |
Ort | Norrköping |
Län | Östergötlands län |
Land | Sverige |
Referensnummer | 2020/20 |
Kontakt |
Publicerat | 2020-04-11 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2020-04-26 |